The Wall-Safe Wall Safe - Silver Version (vertical)
The Wall-Safe Wall Safe - Silver Version (vertical)
Look, you've always wanted to have a secret wall safe full of gold and cash. You know this and I know this. But there are lots of things holding you back: you can't cut up your walls, wall safes are expensive, and you don't have piles of jewels and cash to put in them anyway. I was like you once, but then I solved my own problem and now I'm here to solve it for you: the wall-safe wall safe is a decal you can stick behind any art in your house or apartment and feel like you've got an amazing hiding place without the fuss.
Made from durable polyester fabric, these wall stickers are long-lasting, removable, and you can reposition them as you see fit. Simply cut around the safe to make sure it blends seemlessly with your wall and stick away.